Lyon County School District broadcasts a multitude of opportunities to support prospective and current staff with professional development. Contact HR Talent Management at 775-463-6800 EXT 10060 additional information.
I want to become a teacher!
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Paraprofessional Pathways Project (PPP)
- Nevada Department of Education: Nevada Teacher Scholarship (NTS)
- Nevada Department of Education: Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Scholarship (IPT)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Paraprofessional Pathways Project (PPP)
Nevada Department of Education: Nevada Teacher Scholarship (NTS)
Nevada Department of Education: Incentivizing Pathways to Teaching Scholarship (IPT)
I have a bachelor's degree or higher in something other than education and I want to become a teacher!
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas: Accelerated-Alternate Route to Licensure (A-ARL)
- iTeach: A K12 Coalition Company for Alternate Route to Licensure (ARL)